Every second spent wondering, is another second lost that could have been spent changing.

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Monday, April 30, 2012

If I Could Make Her Mine

My recording of this on YouTube

It is your smile that will never leave my mind
I think about you daily, just wishing I could make you mine
I can hear your laugh, the soundtrack to my life
I think of us together and know nothing could be more right
I think of every moment that we have spent together
You make my life a sunny day no matter what’s the weather
You are my sun when the rain comes pouring
And no moment with you can ever get boring
I just love every second that I can spend by your side
Whenever you’re around, this smile I can't hide
And when you are not near, my life feels so empty
Because all I want is for you to be with me
Just want you to be all that I can see
Because you truly are all that I need
And I would sell away my entire future
Just so I could spend another moment with you
Even if it was just for the blink of an eye
It's better than an entire life without you by my side
Because my hand is just another piece of the puzzle
That can only become whole with your hand in mine as we cuddle
And I would just love to hold you in my arms
Whisper in your ear that I will protect you from every harm
Hold you close and never let you go
Let you feel that love you thought you'd never know
Kiss you on the cheek, let you know everything is fine
All of this I'd love to do, if I could make you mine

All of this I’d love to say if you would just listen
I have all these people around me yet it is you that I am missin’
I would trade them all away, for it to be just me and you
I think if you gave me a chance you’d see this love to be true
I may not have much, but I can guarantee you my heart
And I can promise you this, we will never fall apart
If you ever slip, I will be there to catch you
If you ever feel scared, I will be there to protect you
If you’re ever cold, I will be there with a sweater
And if you are sick, I will be by your side until you’re better
And when it’s that time of the month and out comes the crazy
I will be there, hand full of daisies
Each day my love for you keeps growing
And my heart for you is overflowing
When I am with you I am afraid to even blink an eye
And I don’t ever want to have to say goodbye
And I just can’t get your image out of my head
If love is a disease, then in my body it is fully spread
But I don’t ever want the cure
I want this disease to mature
And maybe it’ll spread to you, and love for me you will find
All of these are my wishes, on how I could make you mine

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Six Feet Deep

We try so hard just to be accepted
Changing our image to what society wants reflected
Changing our thoughts until they're no longer our own
Doing anything at all so we will never be alone
Surrounding ourselves with anyone we can find
Thinking this will help us shine 
Just trying to fit into the crowd
Just trying to make this world proud
Trying anything this world says we should
Living our lives so misunderstood
Just trying to be heard
So into our body a new person is transferred 
We spend our whole life looking for some fame
Just trying to make a name
But they will never remember
To this world we are just another number
Just another page in the history book
And they will never give us a second look
We're just left back in their rear
But they won't take a look into their mirror
We're just forgotten with nothing more than a tombstone
We try to so hard, but we will never be known
If we just blend into society
You can't be remembered if you have no identity 
If we just try to fit into the status quo
We will be nothing that this world will ever know
The world doesn't remember the ones who followed, rather those who led
Because the ones who followed are nothing more than dead
But he who led the movement lives on
Yet all we want is to just follow along
Just try to morph into those around us
Leaving our old selves out to rust
Too afraid to write our own story
Too afraid to find our own glory
Too afraid to not be loved
So our true identity is gloved
Never allowed to make a peep
And our legend will just be buried six feet deep


I can't help but to dream of me and you
Wishing that this dream would come true
Just staring at the sky looking for a shooting star
They all tell me my dreams are too bizzarre
But  I can't help but wish
They tell me that the sea is full, but you're my only fish
Maybe these dreams are too insane
But you have been too implanted in my brain
And now I cannot get you out
I refuse to listen to those people who doubt
Those people who tell me to move on
The ones who tell me the short stick I have drawn
Tell me I am just wasting my time
But I'd rather chase you than make another girl mine
So I sit here throwing coin after coin into the well
Because to you I will never say farewell
They're all telling me enough is enough
But I want you to know I will never give up
So I search the ground for some good luck
I will do anything, for my heart has been lovestruck
Struck straight by the arrow of cupid
Got me doing all these things looking so stupid
But it is all worth it
For it is all for a girl who is simply perfect
My interest in you I will not withdraw
They're telling me to find a flaw
But there is only one that I see
That you, are not yet with me

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Soul

Sometimes I can’t help but feel that I am to blame
That if it wasn’t for me these situations wouldn’t be the same
Guess I never considered the precautions 
For they were always listening to my discussions
Soaking it all up like a sponge
And now in them all my traits plunge
Took them over, they had no hope
Set them forth on their slippery slope
Just falling, falling- all because of me
All because of the things I let them see
Let them see me so out of control
Let them be influenced by a broken soul
Slowly breaking their own
I wish my own soul I could disown
Just burn it for eternity
For taking away their identity
Taking away their chance
Because I gave them a glance
Into the eyes of the devil
Now I just try to act like some angel
Acting like forgiveness is enough to settle my soul
But really, my soul is just on parole
Free for now as long I behave
But this sin is something that I will always crave
Just looking for some happiness to hold
But I come to find this happiness is fools gold
Just leaving me empty handed
Just don’t know if I can do all that you commanded
Please, Lord, just help me make this right
Then, my soul is yours to smite

Somebody That I Used to Know

When you left it wasn't just my heart you stole
I think you also took a piece of my soul
Because ever since the day you left
And I finally got over the nights that I laid in bed and wept
I realized that I just wasn't the same
Because through it all, feelings for you still remain
And no matter how much I tell my self it's over
I find myself wishing we could do it all over
But for what? Just for misery and pain?
I mean honestly, with you what did I gain? 
Besides just a stomach full of anxiety 
I was always trying to form into what you wanted, lost my individuality 
With you I lost the little confidence that I had
We're finally over, I should be so glad
I can finally rebuild my life you destroyed
Go back to the old me that you never seemed to enjoy 
Find the smile that you made me give up
Pick up all the dreams that you made me give up
Pick up the pieces that you left broken
Don't have to listen to the negativity that was always spoken
I am set free
Allowed to finally be me
It's funny how I used to beg you not to go
And now you're just somebody that I used to know

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Road of Success

Success is a road that so few get to travel
The pressure gets big and many are left unraveled
The road is tough and may get narrow
But like the yellow brick road all my dreams I’m gonna follow
My dreams may be set in the stars
But through faith and perseverance no star is too far
Focus your eyes on the destination
Because anything can be accomplished through determination
When you feel that you are at your weakest
Just think of what the reward is
We will all face our obstacles
But you got to keep moving if you want to reach that pinnacle
Reach your highest potential
The hard work will be all the more beneficial
No matter how crazy your ambitions
Just remember you are led by a God of perfection
And through Him you can do all things
No matter how crazy your dreams may seem
But you will never reach them if you just sit here passive
Opportunities are short, each moment you wait they may be passing
Each day you do nothing is another day wasted
Just postponing the chance for success to be tasted
Oh and how the taste is so sweet
It is a feeling that nothing can beat
Just to know that you have defeated all chances, defeated all doubt
A feeling of pride that will never dry out
For your successes can never be taken away
It doesn’t matter what any of the critics say
They can never take away that moment, never take away that feeling
Because it is in your heart concealing
It is a feeling that you can’t truly explain
But it is a feeling that will always remain
But you will never know it unless you strive for it
Unless you fully commit
Success is a road that so few get to travel
But you are the only one who gets to determine if you will

Jesus Feeds Five Hundred

I don't think we truly understand the story of the five hundred Jesus fed
All He had was some fish and a little bit of bread
But He broke the bread and said thanks for what He had
It wasn't much, but with the little He had He was glad
Because even when it seems what God provides is small
Just know that with nothing He can feed us all
He will never leave us empty
Just take what He gives you and thank Him simply
And once that little loaf is broken
You will find He has served you a golden token
That with only enough food for a few
He was able to feed five hundred of you
All we need to be is grateful 
And all we have to be is faithful
For our God is the creator of everything 
And salvation is what He will bring 
So even when you feel short changed
Know that God has a payment for you arranged
The simple story of Jesus feeding a crowd
Such a short story can speak to us so loud
That even when we feel like we have nothing
Just know, God has given you more than enough for everything 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is Risen

Jesus of Nazareth, the man of many miracles
Fully God who came to take the flesh of fools
To live a life filled with demons 
Saving men drowning in sins
The Man who came to fulfill the prophet
But so few were able to recognize it
The Man who allowed the blind to see, the crippled to walk
Cleansed the lepers, and allowed the mute to talk
Given God's command since His birth
To bring Heaven's kingdom to earth
Spreading His love through the nations
Giving each man his rations
Birthed from a virgin, bestowed God's only son
Coming down to earth so God's will could be done
Living life tempted like us
Showing perfection can be done through God's trust
Even with knowledge of Judas' betrayal
And knowing He was seen through eyes of denial
Knowing all the torture He'd go through
He never flinched because He so loved me and you 
And even as He was nailed to the cross
Not a single ounce of love was lost
And as He took His last breath
And He came closer and closer to death
He still cried out with precision
He cried out for us to be forgiven 
For we do not know what we have done
That we had just killed off our God, His son
But three days later, when His tomb was visited
Mary came to find that He had risen
Our King once again walked the land
Showing that even death was under His command
Our Lord, our Savior is risen
And new life we are given 
Our Lord is risen
And all our sins are forgiven
Our Lord is risen
And we are no longer controlled by sin
We are set free
We are set free
For our Lord is risen
He is risen

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