Every second spent wondering, is another second lost that could have been spent changing.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jesus Feeds Five Hundred

I don't think we truly understand the story of the five hundred Jesus fed
All He had was some fish and a little bit of bread
But He broke the bread and said thanks for what He had
It wasn't much, but with the little He had He was glad
Because even when it seems what God provides is small
Just know that with nothing He can feed us all
He will never leave us empty
Just take what He gives you and thank Him simply
And once that little loaf is broken
You will find He has served you a golden token
That with only enough food for a few
He was able to feed five hundred of you
All we need to be is grateful 
And all we have to be is faithful
For our God is the creator of everything 
And salvation is what He will bring 
So even when you feel short changed
Know that God has a payment for you arranged
The simple story of Jesus feeding a crowd
Such a short story can speak to us so loud
That even when we feel like we have nothing
Just know, God has given you more than enough for everything 

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