Every second spent wondering, is another second lost that could have been spent changing.

Please follow or give me feedback on what you think. Thank you!! God bless!

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Email: ryandavidginsberg@gmail.com

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Am Full

Legs so long, like they would never end
Long blonde hair just flowing in the wind
Your beady blue eyes have me so lost
Your warmness has made my cold heart defrost
Your name playing in my head on repeat
You come near and my heart skips a beat
Reaching for your hand as our fingers intertwine
In a world of hell, but with you it's just fine
Your voice, the only sound I hear
I can't help but smile whenever you are near
I'll do anything to hear your gorgeous laugh
I've loved you since the first day, I'll never take that back
My soul just loves everything you are
Tattooed to my heart, so you can never be too far
The present of your presence, the only thing I need
I want you all to myself, guess you can call it greed
I will love you with everything I got
You complete me with everything I'm not
They say that opposites attract
Well I must be the devil, 'cause you're an angel, that's a fact
Before you, I was a boy so lost
But God came through, and to me you were tossed
Your halo so bright, to light up my path
'Cause i was suffering from the darkness of life's wrath 
I give you my soul, give you my heart
Praying that you and I will never be apart
So kiss my lips, connect to my soul
'Cause I am just a boy, but with you I am full

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Sometimes I stutter when I talk
Sometimes I stumble when I walk
Sometimes I trip when I run
Sometimes I come and ruin all the fun
Sometimes I forget my name when I see her
Is it Ryan? I'm not really too sure
Sometimes I forget the answer in class
Sometimes I'm too nervous to even ask
Sometimes I don't know which 'to' to use
Sometimes I just feel confused
Sometimes I lie
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I nod, because I don't want to ask 'what?'
Sometimes I'm the chicken that won't cross the road, because I don't have the guts
Sometimes I feel so insecure
Sometimes I act immature
Sometimes I'm not perfect
But I was made by a God who is

Saturday, September 22, 2012

All In

Sometimes the hardest things in life is chasing after a dream. Chasing after something you really, really want, but fearing that you just don't have what it takes. Whether that dream be acting, singing, becoming a doctor, going to Harvard, or being the world's greatest hobo, we all feel that little bit of fear. And, sadly, that fear is sometimes enough to hold us back from ever truly reaching after that dream. So, instead of going after what we really want, we go the typical route of life for security: we graduate high school, go to college, major in whatever we can get a job in, graduate, maybe go to grad school, and live our whole lives in a cubical. But, in the end, what do you have? Nothing more than a heart of regret and a head filled with 'what ifs'.

Honestly, screw security. Who cares about what the world says we should do. Who are they to decide what we do with our lives? If you want to act, then act. If you want to make music, then make music. If you want to write, then write. If you want to be homeless...don't do that, that one should probably be avoided. The only thing we should be seeking out in life is happiness, not security. If you have a dream, chase it so fast, chase it so hard, chase it with all you got, chase with every single ounce of energy that your body possesses, so that at the end of the day you don't have to ask yourself 'what if', because you'll know. That's the only real security you need in life.

And often we fear that we won't have the support of our peers, fear that we may be teased, that we may be ridiculed. But, truth is, you will. Everything worth chasing in life has a group of critics on the other side. But if you don't bet on yourself, no one will. So take all your chips, take every single chip, and slide those all to the middle of the table. Put every chip that you have and place them on your dream. Don't be half in, quarter in, mostly in, but be ALL IN! If you really want something, if you really want it, then take all you've got and chase that dream. Chase it so fast, chase it so hard, chase it with all you got, chase it with every single ounce of energy your body possesses, so that at the end of the day you don't have to ask yourself 'what if', because you'll know. Yes, that needed to reiterated. Be all in. Because if you believe in yourself, they'll come around. So take your chips, be all in.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Forks in the Road

In life you come to forks in the road,
You can either go left or you can go right.
You make your decision, then you move on.
You go down a few more steps,
Maybe a couple miles, maybe a few feet,
Then you come to another fork.
You are then left to decide once more.
You decide, then it's done-
And life goes on. 
And you reach another fork,
And the pattern continues.
Not knowing, however, that each path 
Has it's own life.
Each direction, the left and right,
Both lead to whole new lives,
To whole new decisions,
To whole new endings and beginnings. 
Each fork in the road is like the flutter of a butterflies wing,
Swirling the world into a whole new direction. 
All based on that simple decision,

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I wait

I see your face, shining through my memories
And I can hear your voice in every single story
And God knows your name by heart, from every single prayer
You may be gone, but I always will care
Your name is permanently tattooed in my heart
Put it there so we will never be apart
Put it at the tip, so I don't ever have to dig
Have my arms spread, I love you this big
Wrapped around the world so many times they can never miss it
Just sitting here wishing you didn't have to exit
Exit my life, to never come back
I'm a train wreck, fell so far off the track
As the train's steam reaches for the heavens
Carrying every cried prayer with them
Every shout and every tear
All wishing that you were still here
But, like they say, every good thing ends
And my heart one day might mend
But until then, I wait
Tick-tock, tick-tock; I wait

Monday, September 10, 2012

God Overcomes

The cross symbolizes so, so, so much. But there is one thing that has just crossed my mind. Ready, set, read!!

Okay, so Jesus(the perfect man, God's son, fully God and fully man) was sentenced to the most brutal death one can imagine! He was beat with over 100 lashes(over double what is considered automatic death), he then is spit on, crowned by thorns (are you joking?? Could you imagine the pain?!), forced to carry an extremely heavy cross for miles and miles through a village of mocking people. He was spit at some more, punched, kicked, thrown to the ground, dirt kicked in his face, and received very gruesome taunts. Then after all of that was nailed to a cross, I said nailed to a cross!! Had nails hammered into both wrists and then had his ankles nailed together! Do you have any idea the pain it would be to receive nails through your flesh, nerves, tendons, muscles, bones? I don't want to know that pain.

Oh, and did I mention that this whole time He had the power to end all of this?? To end all the pain, to end all the torture! But He loved us SOO much that he didn't even NUMB a single nerve. He didn't numb out a single ounce of pain! He felt every single whip to his back, every nail, glass shard, and more that ripped his skin off, felt every single kick, felt every thorn to his head, felt the pain of carrying the cross, along with carrying every burden of every man, of every female to ever (I said EVER!) walk this earth(whether that be Adam, Eve, Abraham, Moses, Napoleon, Henry V, Shakespeare, Hitler, Stalin, me, you, and every single person that hasn't even yet been born).

Back to the point. Actually, all of this is the point.

All of this was put onto Jesus, the perfect man, the son of God, fully God and fully man. And what happens after all of this? He conquers death, yes I said conquers death!! Have you ever heard of a man who has been dead for three days, thrown in a tomb, had his heart stopped, no food, no water, no oxygen and then all of a sudden, three days later (BAM!) he's walking around completely alive? Nope, just Jesus! Could you imagine the power it would take to bring a man back from the dead? That is an insane amount of power and strength! But who has that strength? Oh, that's right GOD!!! God has the power, has the strength, and has the love to do so!!

So, if God was willing to put the perfect man, the son of God, fully God and fully man to death just so He could overcome it, then why should we ever be discouraged? Why should we ever fear? Why should we ever doubt?

We so quickly allow ourselves to get down when things aren't going completely as we planned. Well, next time you feel discouraged just remember this: God put Jesus through all of that so He could use Him to overcome death. So, what makes you think he won't use you to overcome whatever that obstacle in your life may be?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Pursuit

In my opinion, the best worded phrase in a historical document* is found in the Declaration of Independence. This phrase is very renown and goes like this: 
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The part I want to focus on is the underlined, bolded, italicized part(so it cannot be missed!!); "the pursuit of happiness." Even our forefathers knew that happiness was not a given right, but the pursuit of it was. So, how do we then attain happiness?

Well, like stated, it is a pursuit. To pursue something is to seek after something; in this case, happiness. Happiness must be something we seek out every single day. We must seek happiness in all we do: in every breath, in every step, in every word, in every action, in every decision. The biggest lie that we can ever tell ourselves is that we are entitled to happiness. That we have worked so hard and we are now entitled to this. Truth is, we are only entitled to the pursuit.

So, whatever it is that you are going through in your life: whether it be a relationship, school, work, sports, acting, singer, whatever it is, you must pursue happiness. You must seek it out with all you've got! If you want to have that smile on your face, that smile that you actually mean, you have to seek it out in everything you do. There are many things in life that you can attain through connections or just pure luck, like landing that perfect job, meeting that dream producer, landing an audition in that dream movie. But, once you get that job, record deal, or leading role, what must you do? You must continually work at it, must continually grind, must continually seek it out! It is never finished, it is never accomplished, it is never done. It is a pursuit. 

Happiness is attainable, it is very, very attainable. But, where will you look for it? Guess it's just yours to pursue.

*Besides the Bible, of course.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Equal as Fork and Spoons

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Is that an Animal Farm reference? Yes, yes it is. This quote seems to be very relevant in my life right now. Maybe it is just me, but I feel that the people I sometimes find surrounded around me are very, very judging. It isn't necessarily just the words they are saying, but also has a large part in their tone and their body language. Don't get me wrong, I definitely deserve to be judged. I am bad, I am a sinner, I am a mess, I am a disgrace, I am a hypocrite. But there is only one person, one being, that I will ever let judge me; and that is God. I am sorry to those who may not be religious, but bare with me. Every person on this earth makes mistakes, I think we can all agree with that. And if we have made even one single mistake then who are we to judge another's mistakes? Exactly. We are nobody. We have no right. It would be like a fork judging a spoon for not being able to stab at its food, while a spoon laughs at a fork that cannot scoop up its soup. Bad analogy I know, judge me about it. We all possess our special skills. We may be able to do things that others can't, but we are also unable to do things that other people may be able to. We have no reason to judge any person.

So why did I start off with this quote? It is because I feel that society has planted this into our minds. We all walk around like we are the hot sh*t, like we are the bee's knees. Sorry to break it to you, but you're not. And neither am I. WE ARE ALL EQUALS. Not on different levels, we are all on the same level.

Okay, being religious we are consistently told this. But why do I feel like I am being judged more by my religious group of friends? Does it not say in James 4:11-12:
11 Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?"
Those who consider themselves as being religious should know this better than anyone. Not because they are better, not because they are more worthy, but because these are the words that they have decided to live by. I am not saying that I do not judge, I definitely have my moments, I am saying this because I want to bring it to the light, to get people thinking about the topic. To those whom are religious this verse says that there is only one judge in this world: God.

And to those who are not religious does our Declaration of Independence not state:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"
Was our country not based on this simple foundation? Yes, our country has struggled with this immensely over the course of it's history. But why should we continue with that? Are we not all fighting for acceptance, fighting for love?

For Jesus said in John 8:7:
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
I think it goes without saying that not a single man was able to throw a stone. So who are we to cast stones at our neighbors?

I challenge you all to take a look at your thought process. Look at how quick you may be to judge. And I challenge you to change that, to work on that, and, for the religious ones, to pray about that. This world would be a much better place if we didn't have to live in fear of being judged, fear of being excluded. Be the change that you want to see in the world. Thanks guys.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


YOLO- You Only Live Once

This, without doubt, has become one of the most overused phrases of this generation. Ever since Drake first released "The Motto" you can't go anywhere without hearing people use this acronym. Maybe, this is just another excuse people have so that they can feel the right to do anything they want. For example, you're eating a bowl of cereal, but all you have is a fork. YOLO! Or, all that's left is the butt of the bread. YOLO! Or, there's a full bottle of Jack Daniels. YOLO! Or, there's no more parachutes, but you really want to go skydiving. YOLO! Or, you've never jumped out of a moving car before. YOLO! Or, you have a fully loaded gun...okay, okay, okay. This is the annoying, obnoxious, overused YOLO that we are all used to today.

But, maybe, if we all look at the term YOLO in the correct manner we can find that it actually is a  very useful and helpful phrase. How many of you guys see a beautiful girl standing across the way, but are too afraid to go talk to her? And girls, how many of you have done this same thing with guys? How many of us have not gone in for a kiss, because we feared rejection? How many of us have not gone after a dream, for fear of failure? How many of us have not applied to our dream school, for fear of not being accepted? How many of us have quit something that we loved, because it wasn't the 'cool' thing to do? Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of isolation, fear of embarrassment, fear of so many things keep us from achieving what we really, really desire in life. These are the situations that we need to be reminded that we only live once! We have one life, we have one chance, we have one opportunity. 

Sometimes doors may be repetitively opened, but maybe it is only open for a short while. Why should we just sit here and watch as it closes? We should we hesitate? Why should we watch that perfect girl, that perfect guy, that perfect job, that perfect friend, that perfect dream, that perfect opportunity slip right through our fingers? YOLO! You only live once! If you fail, then move on! What is the worst question that you can possibly ask yourself? WHAT IF? And what is the only way to avoid that question 100% of the time? By never letting your fears keep you from trying! If you always go for it, then you will always know what the result would have been! Eliminating 'what if' forever.

Don't let fear of failure, keep you from doing anything. The greatest minds in the world fail time and time again. But the difference is that they don't quit, they don't give up, and they don't let fear stop them! You only live once, you can either spend that life wondering what if, or you can spend that life knowing what if; because you never let fear stop you. 

"You never fail until you stop trying." 
“I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that don’t work”
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
-Albert Einstein

"The only thing to fear is fear itself."
-Franklin D Roosevelt

"Don't let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game."
-A Cinderella's Story

"There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened."
-Mary Kay Ash

"You only live once, that's the motto...YOLO"



Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Does It Really Mean?

The word love, what does it really mean?
You don’t really know, until you really know 
Love, such a strong word
So, for now, I’ll use ‘like’
I like the way you never smile for photographs,
But rather make silly faces
I like the way you laugh,
at all my stupid jokes

I like the way you always support me,
No matter what it may be
I like how you’re always there to talk to,
When I feel so alone
I like how you blush,
When I tell you how beautiful you are
I like how you smirk,
Every time you make fun of me
I like how you also have a smart response,
When I try to make fun of you back
I like how you text me,
Just to say you miss me
I like how you talk with your hands,
But only when you’re mad
I like how you roll your eyes,When I say something dumb
I like how you never like to go to bed,
Before making up
I like how quickly you know,
When something is wrong
I like how quickly I forgot my past,
Because you told me it didn’t matter
I like how quickly I was able accept who I was,
Because you accepted me first
I like how took me so broken,
And made me brand new
Honestly, I only wrote this to see if it was true
And it is, I love you

More Than Enough

Your smile, enough to get the butterflies fluttering
Your voice, enough to get my heart pounding
Your touch, enough to make my hairs rise
Your eyes, enough to leave me hypnotized
Every time I look at you I've got to stare for a while
And it's like my face was just frozen with this smile
I don't ever want to see you leave
This love is a feeling that we will always keep
I will never let it go
You've got me feeling things I thought I'd never know
I just love the things you do
Everything that has made me fall in love with you
The way you flinch when I whisper in your ear
When you're scared how you stand so near
And you grab my hand, like never let go, oh I never will
You took my heart, just came in for the steal
You keep it so safe, you hold it so close
They say love is a drug, well give me another dose
Yeah, just shoot it up in my heart
You've got me on my knees praying we will never fall apart
Love is a puzzle, good thing we fit perfectly
This love is forever, that is no hyperbole
They say love is a lot of work, well give me another shift
They say love is a disease, well I hope I never get over it
They say love is blind, then I don't want to see
You make my heart want to sing, so you can call it Glee
When it's dark out and I can't see where to go
I know I will always be led by the light of your halo
And when things get tough
I know your love will be more than enough
So take my hand and let's continue in this journey
We don't need anything but you and me
Forget the world, we’ll leave it in the past
Let it all fade, our love will be the only thing to last
I don’t need my old life, you are more than enough
I just need you and this never ending love

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