Every second spent wondering, is another second lost that could have been spent changing.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

I wait

I see your face, shining through my memories
And I can hear your voice in every single story
And God knows your name by heart, from every single prayer
You may be gone, but I always will care
Your name is permanently tattooed in my heart
Put it there so we will never be apart
Put it at the tip, so I don't ever have to dig
Have my arms spread, I love you this big
Wrapped around the world so many times they can never miss it
Just sitting here wishing you didn't have to exit
Exit my life, to never come back
I'm a train wreck, fell so far off the track
As the train's steam reaches for the heavens
Carrying every cried prayer with them
Every shout and every tear
All wishing that you were still here
But, like they say, every good thing ends
And my heart one day might mend
But until then, I wait
Tick-tock, tick-tock; I wait

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