I’m lost and everything is gone
Trying to find the light, but I’ve been going at it all wrong
Writing down these words talking about Him
Writing about His light, when for me it was shining so dim
Writing these words for my own selfish reward
While saying I was giving the glory to the Lord
But really I was hoarding it all to myself
Throwing Him up on my shelf
Like He’s just a trophy I’m trying to show off
Only turning to Him when things got tough
Not praying for His will, only praying for success
And then go around saying, "God bless"
Like I even knew what He was about
My heart wasn’t in it, but my mouth would still shout
Like I was just putting on a show for my peers
But it’s just left me so broken, so out come the tears
I’m lost and I don’t know where to go
I’ve been faking it for so long, but now, Lord, I really want to know
I want to feel and know who You really are
My old life is gone, but leaves a reminder like a scar
A remind of what I was and why I’m never going back
I want a new life, I want a new track
So, Lord, I give it all to You
Tell me what You want me to do
I’m on my knees, screaming out Your name
I’m for real this time, tired of playing games
Tired of lying and tired of sneaking
From now on, Lord, You are all that I’m seeking
You’re all I want, You’re all I need
I am here to carry out Your deed
My soul is screaming out
I’m ready to get out of this drought
Because what is success if I am all alone
I am nothing without the Man on the throne
Without the Man on the cross
So everything I have, I count it all as loss
I’m starting over, starting brand new
I have a new a focus, and that focus is You
You took my broken pieces, glued me back to one
Despite my continuous failures, You see none
I look in a mirror and think how pitiful
But You say I’m good, You say that I’m beautiful
Before You, I ran around the world, a one man squad
But You said be still, and know that You are God
That You will be exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth
You say I wasn’t created for earth, but I was created for more worth
So, Lord, I give You everything I’ve possessed
Because You say put these earthly things to rest
So, Lord, I drop everything to follow You
I’m starting over, starting brand new
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