Every second spent wondering, is another second lost that could have been spent changing.

Please follow or give me feedback on what you think. Thank you!! God bless!

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Monday, January 9, 2012


Its the carefree moments with all your friends
The moments you wish would never end
Just sitting and talking all night
And you know everything will be alright
The nights of smiles and laughter
Still find yourself laughing after
And you can’t wait to do it again
You just cant forget how fun its been
Yet, it still finds a way to get better
The jokes just get so much funnier
And its like the world is always good
Just how you wished it always would
Finally finding that happiness
And wondering where its always been
It feels that you have finally found your home
And you don’t feel so alone
You wish these days would go on forever
You wish they would end never
Like, please sun down set
Please, just not yet
Give me some more time here
In this place with nothing to fear
There is nothing like those moments with this group
Giving me all I need to recoup
To buckle down for a nothing day
Because I know you guys won’t be to far away

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