Every second spent wondering, is another second lost that could have been spent changing.

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Inner Child

Remember the days of mud pies
Before we lived a life of lies
Just running around with no cares
When we felt obligated to do all double dares
When all the girls were full of cooties
Before we got so obsessed with all their booties
Kickball and four square every recess
When we were our parents dolls to dress
So excited for show and tell
And all the tests to see if we could spell
Competitions of who could jump further off the swing
Flying kites every spring
When the coach pitched to us and there were no strike outs
Before we were all playing to impress the scouts
The excitement we got for those beans and franks
Didn’t worry about no money in the bank
Before the stress of college and life
When our parents didn’t trust us with a knife
When we ate all sandwiches without the crust
But now our thoughts are filled with lust
Back when life couldn’t get better
When we thought we would always be writing in cursive letters
Oh man, I miss all those days
Miss all my care free ways
Miss the smile that was always there
Back when life was always fair
But that is over and it's time to move on
But that inner child in me will never be gone

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