Every second spent wondering, is another second lost that could have been spent changing.

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Wait for the Day

They’re asking me what’s my main goal in life
Honestly, it’s just to try and find the light
Because my whole life that’s what I have been seeking
But, it’s been hiding from me, the light's been sneaking
I jump and run after it but I just can’t reach
Life and love, I fail them each
They’re pressuring me, I just can't take it
Maybe I really don’t have the smarts or the wit
I am failing before I can even advance
Trying to find happiness, even if it is just a glance
They’re talking behind my back
About all the skills that I lack
How I am just doing this whole thing wrong
And it has been going on for far too long
But they don’t know where I have been
And the battle that I have to fight within
They don’t truly know what my mind does
Or how broken it once was
Lying in the street, broken in a million pieces
Each moment this brokenness decreases
But I need some help, need some support
If I really want this pain to export
If I want this front to finally be removed
I guess I really just want to get approved
Want to be loved and comforted
Just want my dreams to be supported
You can hate them but I still will pursue
Because who are you to say this dream can’t come true
But for now I am just in the dark
Quietly trying to make my mark
Maybe one day it will be seen
And I can finally become clean
Or maybe my whole life will be hidden away
Guess we will just have to wait for the day

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